Sunday School

Fifteen children regularly attend Sunday school with 4 teenagers, some parents and registered staff supervising. The Sunday school meets in a small hall in ‘The Kirkie’, St Combs at 10:45am when they are not involved in special services at the church.

At the service held in Lonmay Church on 2nd July 2023 the Sunday School gave a presentation of the subjects that they had covered during the term.  The children were presented with good attendance prizes.


Sunday 6 October:  Lonmay – 1200 – Sunday School presentation.


Betty Ross Award


October 2024

The Betty Ross Awards  were presented on Sunday 6th October during the service held at Lonmay church.

The first Betty Ross Award went to someone who is always very enthusiastic;  they are a great leader and always include others and make sure they are included and have fun.  Well done Sandy Smith!

The second Betty Ross Award went to someone who always listens really well to the stories and can remember them to share with others;  they are always really fantastic at singing.  Well done Peter Fraser.


June 2024

The Betty Ross awards were presented on Sunday 30th June during the service held at Lonmay church.

The first Betty Ross Award winner was chosen by her friends as she always helps and listens really well to them;  congratulations to Orla McDonald.  Ella Wemyss received the second Betty Ross Award as her friends felt that she pays really good attention each week and always helps even although she hasn’t been asked;  congratulations Ella.


March 2024

The Sunday School were welcomed to Lonmay Church on 24th March 2024.  Towards the end of the Service, Jessica presented Betty Ross awards to Zachary Buchan and Sandy Smith.  Both were described as being kind to everyone;  Zachary is also very funny and makes people laugh and Sandy is generous and a really good friend.  Congratulations to them both.


December 2023

At the service held on 17th December 2023 the Betty Ross Awards were presented to Arran Buchan and Peter Fraser.  Arran is full of fun, keen to have a laugh and to help others.  Peter is a newer member of the Sunday School who has fitted in perfectly and was nominated as he is kind and a really good friend.

October 2023

The Betty Ross Awards were presented on Sunday 8th October 2023, firstly to Harris Buchan who was commended for always trying hard and being determined to succeed and do his best;  his friends say that he is very funny too;  the second award was presented to Madison Cooper, who is always kind and helpful and a really good friend.

Orla Macdonald and Hattie Smith were presented with the Betty Ross Award on 2nd July 2023.

Charlie Buchan and Sophia Bruce received the Betty Ross award on 26th March 2023.

Madison Cooper and Zachary Buchan  were the Betty Ross Award winners in October 2022.


Betty Ross Award winners June 2022

Pictured above are Harris Buchan and Sandy Smith who received the Betty Ross Award on 28th June 2022.