

National Stewardship Programme

The National Stewardship Programme allows our congregation the opportunity to think about how we use our time, talents and money in serving God.  How do we cultivate these gifts, share them sacrificially and return them to God with increase?

The National Stewardship Programme was launched in 2011 and has already provided opportunities for congregations throughout Scotland to respond to the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ by entering into various themes within the programme.

Lonmay church has completed two years of a proposed three year cycle of Stewardship (money, time and talents). Currently the third year, talent, is being put together with a programme of entertainment showing the talents of this church and other invited guests. This event which will be a Celebration of Music is scheduled to take place on Friday 1st September when it is hoped that we will fill the church with music (see poster on Social Events page of this website).

Stewardship however, is not just for a specific time of the year or for a special event. We are all able to be involved in Stewardship on a weekly basis so please come and see what Lonmay Church has to offer you and find out more how you can be part of our Church jigsaw.