News & Thought For The Week

  1. Video:  Presbytery of Buchan – some congregational stories:

(Crimond and Lonmay represented by Mr Tim Barker)


Lonmay Newsletter 24

Welcome to this edition of the Lonmay Newsletter.

It is fantastic news to share that, God Willing, next Sunday 30 August, we are able to meet at 12 noon for a service.  Your district Elder will be updating you with all the details, so I will not duplicate them here. There are three points to share with you:

  1. It is quite understandable and acceptable that some people feel unable to attend at this stage due to the continuing impact of the virus.
  2. It is also understandable and acceptable that some people feel that they would rather wait until ‘normal’ service can be resumed.
  3. To those who are contemplating coming to church please be assured that the working party have and will continue to do all in their power to follow the government and Church of Scotland regulations and guidelines to provide a safe environment in which to worship the Lord. There will be changes but these have been made to meet the requirements and should not detract from drawing near to the Lord in worship and prayer.

At a recent Kirk Session following the agreement to seek re-opening of the Church the following was raised:

  1. The ‘Thought for Sunday’ will continue on the same basis.
  2. The Lonmay News will cease to be weekly but will be used to update people on important news.

Tim will produce the texts and ‘Thought for Sunday’ and will pass to David who will place them on the Lonmay Church Web site.

It has been a very long five months of ‘lockdown’, and your support, prayers and encouragement during this period has been really appreciated.  Please continue to pray as we move into the next stage and ask the Lord to continue to lead and guide decisions which have to be made.

Just to let you know that Sunday School will NOT be re-opening on 30 August due to new regulations from the government and Church of Scotland.



Crimond and Lonmay Thought for Sunday

16 February 2024

The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour – 1 Timothy 5 v 17.

Greetings to you to this latest edition of Thought for Sunday.

Both Crimond and Lonmay are holding their Kirk Sessions – Lonmay last Thursday and Crimond a week tomorrow. The Elders have huge responsibility for the work of their church, managing spiritual along with property and finance. It is a challenging role and not always easy or straight-forward. It demands time, skill, patience and understanding for those who already lead busy schedules. In addition, they are responsible for members living in their allocated districts. I wonder how often we take time to pray for them and to thank them for all their hard work – and I mean much more frequently that at the Annual Statemented Meeting!!!

Everyone has an Elder -= hopefully you know their name and who they are – could you find time just to thank them for their work for you and for the church as a whole?

Paul, in his letter to Timothy, who was based at Ephesus at the time, reminded him to ensure that the church members recognised the work of the Elders, and to remember to pray for them on a regular basis. It would be an encouragement to them and even more so if they were to see you in church some Sundays. Paul reminds Timothy that Elders are ‘worthy of double honour.’ Each member has a responsibility to play their part in supporting and encouraging the Elders in their work.

The last couple of years have been very demanding with the Presbytery Plan being discussed. The fact that there have not been any significant changes does not mean that this process is physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually challenging. They are working so hard to maintain a Christian witness in the local areas.

Elders are ordained by God and therefore accountable to Him for all their work. There will be some reading this ‘Thought’ who are not involved in Crimond and Lonmay, but how are you supporting your leaders?